This vignette shows how to use package survSpearman
nonparametrically estimate Spearman’s correlation between two
time-to-event variables. It also demonstrates some basic tools for
visualizing bivariate survival data.
Time-to-event variables are denoted as (TX, TY) defined on [0, ∞) × [0, ∞) and time-to-censoring as (CX, CY). Time to event or censoring is denoted as (X, Y) = (min (TX, CX), min (TY, CY)), and event indicators as ΔX = 1(TX ≤ CX), ΔY = 1(TY ≤ CY) with δX and δY being their realizations. We denote the maximum follow-up times for TX and TY as τX and τY, respectively, with no events observed beyond the region Ω = [0, τX) × [0, τY), or equivalently, CX ≤ τX and CY ≤ τY. We denote marginal and joint survival functions as SX(x) = Pr (TX > x), SY(y) = Pr (TY > y), S(x, y) = Pr (TX > x, TY > y).
In this example, we use simulated data with TX and TY independently censored before or at τX = τY = 2 (bivariate generalized type-I censoring with the follow-up time 2 for both variables).
data1 = data123[1:100,]
data1[1:7, ]
#> X deltaX Y deltaY
#> 1 0.30857708 1 0.24910560 1
#> 2 0.46541242 1 0.35874902 0
#> 3 0.85062791 1 1.29663538 1
#> 4 0.08668864 0 0.07969093 1
#> 5 0.22524818 1 0.21715157 1
#> 6 2.00000000 0 2.00000000 0
#> 7 1.67677439 0 0.37548431 0
Let’s visualize the data.
visualBivarTimeToEvent(X = data1$X, Y = data1$Y, deltaX = data1$deltaX, deltaY = data1$deltaY,
xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(0, 3),
labelX = "X", labelY = "Y", segLength = 0.1, dotSize = 0.3,
scaleLegendGap = 1.1, legendCex = 0.6, labCex = 0.6, axisCex = 0.5)
Now let’s compute the correlation,
res = survSpearman(X = data1$X, Y = data1$Y, deltaX = data1$deltaX, deltaY = data1$deltaY)
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5140414 0.6231143
Function survSpearman()
first computes Dabrowska’s
bivariate survival surface from time to event data and then uses it to
calculate the correlation. This function can also compute correlation
directly from the bivariate survival surface,
dabrSurf = survDabrowska(data1$X, data1$Y, data1$deltaX, data1$deltaY)$DabrowskaEst
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = 2, tauY = 2)
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5140414 0.6231143
Because of type-I censoring, the survival probability cannot be fully estimated outside of Ω = [0, τX) × [0, τY) = [0, 2) × [0, 2), so when computing correlation, it makes sense to choose a restricted region with the same follow-up time, ΩR = [0, 2) × [0, 2). The function returns the user-specified restricted region as well as the effective restricted region, which are the values just before the latest observed event times,
dabrSurf = survDabrowska(data1$X, data1$Y, data1$deltaX, data1$deltaY)$DabrowskaEst
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = 2, tauY = 2)
res[["Restricted region set by user"]]
#> tauX tauY
#> "2" "2"
res[["Effective restricted region"]]
#> tauX tauY
#> "1.97478951013018 +" "1.96005790068168 +"
When computing correlation under generalized type-I censoring, we can either assume the highest rank for points outside of the restricted region and compute ρ̂SH or compute correlation conditional on being in the restricted region, ρ̂S|ΩR. Because at least one observation was censored outside of [0, 2) × [0, 2), the probability of being inside the restricted region is less than one, and therefore ρ̂SH is not equal to ρ̂S|ΩR,
One could choose values τX and τY that are less than those used to generate the data. For example, if the analyst chooses τX = τY = 1.5, the function returns the following estimates:
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = 1.5, tauY = 1.5)
#> $`Restricted region set by user`
#> tauX tauY
#> "1.5" "1.5"
#> $`Effective restricted region`
#> tauX tauY
#> "1.46898672937274 +" "1.32696096438289 +"
#> $Correlation
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5309905 0.5810781
The user can also choose a restricted region that contains [0, 2) × [0, 2), for example [0, 3) × [0, 3), but this is not advisable because there are no events outside of [0, 2) × [0, 2) so setting a larger restricted region will result in the same correlation values as for [0, 2) × [0, 2),
In this example, the data are generated with unrestricted follow-up time (unbounded censoring). In this case, ρ̂SH is consistent for the overall Spearman’s correlation. If the largest X and Y correspond to events (δX = δY = 1),
data2 = data123[101:200,]
data2[data2$X == max(data2$X), c("X", "deltaX")]
#> X deltaX
#> 118 4.816644 1
data2[data2$Y == max(data2$Y), c("Y", "deltaY")]
#> Y deltaY
#> 118 3.683655 1
then the survival surface is fully estimated, and if the restricted region of interest contains the data support, then ŜH(x, y) = Ŝ(x, y|ΩR) = Ŝ(x, y) and ρ̂SH = ρ̂S|ΩR,
dabrSurf = survDabrowska(data2$X, data2$Y, data2$deltaX, data2$deltaY)$DabrowskaEst
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = Inf, tauY = Inf)
#> $`Restricted region set by user`
#> tauX tauY
#> "Inf" "Inf"
#> $`Effective restricted region`
#> tauX tauY
#> "4.81664394874279 +" "3.68365466198858 +"
#> $Correlation
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5226419 0.5226419
In contrast, if the largest X and/or Y correspond to censoring events (δX and/or δY = 0),
then the survival surface cannot be estimated after the last censored event, and therefore ρ̂SH is not equal to ρ̂S|ΩR:
dabrSurf = survDabrowska(data2$X, data2$Y, data2$deltaX, data2$deltaY)$DabrowskaEst
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = Inf, tauY = Inf)
#> $`Restricted region set by user`
#> tauX tauY
#> "Inf" "Inf"
#> $`Effective restricted region`
#> tauX tauY
#> "2.72884335472806 +" "3.68365466198858 +"
#> $Correlation
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5226419 0.5028863
Note that if there is no censoring and τX = τY = ∞, then both estimates are equivalent to Spearman’s rank correlation,
data3 = data123[201:300,]
dabrSurf = survDabrowska(X = data3$X, Y = data3$Y, deltaX = data3$deltaX, deltaY = data3$deltaY)$DabrowskaEst
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = Inf, tauY = Inf)
#> $`Restricted region set by user`
#> tauX tauY
#> "Inf" "Inf"
#> $`Effective restricted region`
#> tauX tauY
#> "4.50100438256196 +" "4.44359130618219 +"
#> $Correlation
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5960036 0.5960036
cor(data3$X, data3$Y, method = "spearman")
#> [1] 0.5960036
Finally, even without censoring, the code allows one to compute highest rank and restricted correlations within a user-specified region defined by τX and τY,
res = survSpearman(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = qexp(0.75), tauY = qexp(0.75))
#> $`Restricted region set by user`
#> tauX tauY
#> "1.38629436111989" "1.38629436111989"
#> $`Effective restricted region`
#> tauX tauY
#> "1.32122385662055 +" "1.34539013749628 +"
#> $Correlation
#> HighestRank Restricted
#> 0.5732438 0.2853056
In this example, we plot the bivariate probability mass function (PMF) estimated using Dabrowska’s method. Because of type I censoring, the resulting survival surface is not proper: it does not diminish all the way to zero. But let’s plot its PDF anyway,
data4 = data1[1:100,]
dabrSurf = survDabrowska(X = data4$X, Y = data4$Y, deltaX = data4$deltaX, deltaY = data4$deltaY)$DabrowskaEst
gridWidth = 0.1
survPMFPlot(bivarSurf = dabrSurf, gridWidthX = gridWidth, gridWidthY = gridWidth, scaleGapX = 1.5, scaleGapY = 1.5, XAxisLabel = "X", YAxisLabel = "Y", timeLabelScale = 1, axisLabelScale = 1, labelSkipX = 2, labelSkipY = 2, roundX = 2, roundY = 2, plotLabel = "Bivariate PMF")
The plot above includes the joint probability mass functions (PMFs) displayed as a matrix with darker cells indicating larger probability mass and the marginal PMFs on the left and bottom sides.
If we build a proper survival surface by assigning the survival probability to zero after the follow-up time, we get a PDF with the left-over probability ‘tails’ (more noticeable in the marginal PMFs),
bivarSurfWithTails = rbind(cbind(dabrSurf, rep(0, nrow(dabrSurf))), rep(0, ncol(dabrSurf)+1))
lastRowVal = as.numeric(rownames(dabrSurf)[nrow(dabrSurf)]) + 2*gridWidth
lastColVal = as.numeric(colnames(dabrSurf)[ncol(dabrSurf)]) + 2*gridWidth
rownames(bivarSurfWithTails) = c(rownames(dabrSurf), as.character(lastRowVal))
colnames(bivarSurfWithTails) = c(colnames(dabrSurf), as.character(lastColVal))
survPMFPlot(bivarSurf = bivarSurfWithTails, gridWidthX = gridWidth, gridWidthY = gridWidth, scaleGapX = 1.5, scaleGapY = 1.5, XAxisLabel = "X", YAxisLabel = "Y", timeLabelScale = 1, axisLabelScale = 1, labelSkipX = 2, labelSkipY = 2, roundX = 2, roundY = 2, plotLabel = "Bivariate PMF")
Finally, let’s plot a conditional PDF within the restricted region [0, 1.4) × [0, 1.4),
condSurf = survRestricted (bivarSurf = dabrSurf, tauX = 1.4, tauY = 1.4)$Sxy
survPMFPlot(bivarSurf = condSurf, gridWidthX = gridWidth, gridWidthY = gridWidth, scaleGapX = 1.5, scaleGapY = 1.5, XAxisLabel = "X", YAxisLabel = "Y", timeLabelScale = 1, axisLabelScale = 1, labelSkipX = 2, labelSkipY = 2, roundX = 2, roundY = 2, plotLabel = "Bivariate PMF")
Function survPMFPlot()
provides only basic visualization
tools. If users want to plot joint and/or marginal PMFs using their own
format, they can take advantage of the following miscellaneous
Function plotVector()
plots a vector of numeric values
as a set of rectangles with user-specified height, width, color, and
border color. The bases of the rectangles are aligned like in a
### Histogram-like plot
plot(c(-0.5, 1.5), c(-0.5, 1), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = 0.5)
vectValues = c(0.057, 0.336, 0.260, 0.362, 0.209)
plotVector(vectValues, width = 0.2, coordX = 0, coordY = 0, rotationRadians = 0,
vectColor = "gray", bordColor = "white")
These histogram-like plots can be rotated by changing argument
width = c(0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.80, 0.12)
vectColor = c("orange", "green", "orchid", "blue", "goldenrod1")
plot(c(-0.5, 1.5), c(-0.5, 1.5), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = 0.5)
plotVector(vectValues = vectValues, width, coordX = 0, coordY = 0,
rotationRadians = pi/2, vectColor, bordColor = "white")
plotVector(vectValues = vectValues, width, coordX = 0, coordY = 0,
rotationRadians = pi/4, vectColor, bordColor = "white")
and/or flipped by setting argument vectValues
negative values,
width = c(0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.80, 0.12)
vectColor = c("orange", "green", "orchid", "blue", "goldenrod1")
plot(c(-0.5, 1.5), c(-0.5, 1.5), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = 0.5)
plotVector(vectValues = vectValues, width, coordX = 0, coordY = 0,
rotationRadians = pi/2, vectColor, bordColor = "white")
plotVector(vectValues = -vectValues, width, coordX = 0, coordY = 0,
rotationRadians = pi/2, vectColor, bordColor = "white")
plotVector(vectValues = -vectValues, width, coordX = 0, coordY = 0,
rotationRadians = pi/4, vectColor, bordColor = "white")
plotVector(vectValues = -vectValues, width, coordX = 0, coordY = 0,
rotationRadians = 0, vectColor, bordColor = "white")
Mixing positive and negative values in argument
will result in the following:
vectValues = c(0.057, -0.336, 0.260, -0.222, 0.209)
plot(c(-1, 1), c(-0.5, 0.5), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = 0.5)
vectColor = rep("goldenrod1", length(vectValues))
vectColor[vectValues<0] = "royalblue1"
bordColor = rep("red", length(vectValues))
bordColor[vectValues<0] = "darkblue"
plotVector(vectValues, width = 0.4, coordX = -1, coordY = 0, rotationRadians = 0,
vectColor, bordColor = bordColor)
Function plotMatrix()
Plots a matrix of colors at given
coordinates. Each element of the color matrix is plotted as a rectangle
with user-specified side lengths and border color,
colorMatr = matrix(c("goldenrod1", "mediumpurple3", "palegreen3",
"royalblue1", "orchid", "firebrick1"), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
plot(c(1, 4), c(2, 4), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = 0.5)
polygon(x = c(0, 5, 5, 0, 0), y = c(0, 0, 5, 5, 0), col = "black")
plotMatrix(colorMatr, borderCol = "black", coordX = 1, coordY = 2, widthX = 1, widthY = 1)
The length and width of the rectangles can be different,
colorMatr = matrix(c("goldenrod1", "mediumpurple3", "palegreen3",
"royalblue1", "orchid", "firebrick1"), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
plot(c(1, 4.5), c(2, 4), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.axis = 0.5)
plotMatrix(colorMatr, borderCol = "white", coordX = 1, coordY = 2,
widthX = c(1/4, 1, 1/6), widthY = c(1, 1/2))
reshapeColMatr = matrix(t(colorMatr), ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(colorMatr)*ncol(colorMatr),
byrow = TRUE)
plotMatrix(reshapeColMatr, borderCol = "white", coordX = 2.8, coordY = 2,
widthX = c(1/4), widthY = c(1/4))
text(x = rep(3.03, nrow(reshapeColMatr)),
y = 2.12+c(0,cumsum(rep(1/4, nrow(reshapeColMatr)-1))),
labels = reshapeColMatr[nrow(reshapeColMatr):1], pos = 4, cex = 0.5)
Function fillUpStr()
adds characters to the head or tail
of each element of the character vector to make all elements the same
fillUpStr(c("A", "aaaa", NA, "bb", "4.5"), where="tail", fill = "-")
#> [1] "A---" "aaaa" NA "bb--" "4.5-"
The user can also choose the desired length by setting argument
to a value greater than the longest character
in the vector,
fillUpStr(c("A", "aaaa", NA, "bb", "4.5"), where="tail", howManyToFill = 10, fill = "-")
#> [1] "A---------" "aaaa------" NA "bb--------" "4.5-------"
fillUpStr(c("!", "####", NA, "<<", "4.5"), where="head", howManyToFill = 10, fill = "*")
#> [1] "*********!" "******####" NA "********<<" "*******4.5"
Function fillUpDecimals()
formats numbers by adding
zeros (or user-specified characters) after the decimal point of each
element of a numeric vector so that all elements have the same number of
digits after the decimal point,
fillUpDecimals(c("2", "3.4", "A", NA))
#> [1] "2.0" "3.4" "A.0" NA
fillUpDecimals(c("2", "3.4", "A.5", NA), howManyToFill = 5)
#> [1] "2.00000" "3.40000" "A.50000" NA
fillUpDecimals(c("2", "3.4", "", NA), fill = "?")
#> [1] "2.???" "3.4??" "" NA
If howManyToFill
is negative, the function will add
to each non-missing element,
It is not recommended to include characters other than digits or
letters into numVec
because the function will not work as
described for these characters,
Dabrowska, D. M. (1988) Kaplan–Meier estimate on the plane. The Annals of Statistics 16, 1475–1489.
Eden, S., Li, C., Shepherd B. (2021). Non-parametric Estimation of Spearman’s Rank Correlation with Bivariate Survival Data, Biometrics (under revision).